(and sorry for my bad english){:soso_e112:}
此为飞刀MOD,当手持匕首时按L发动,会往前方投出大量飞刀,按K取消~ eh...The title name "自动步枪射手" after translate is "Automatic rifleman"...
Is the mod correctly with this...?{:soso_e132:}
(sorry for my very very bad english...) curious to see how it looks not bad...thanks for the share.
one thing though, he's supposed to be locked in position, but he gets thrown back because he also gets hit with the knives. So the camera keeps resetting it's position making it hard to see where you are aiming. i know exactly what this is...now i understand why. thanks anyway thanks for share Thank share. 不说英文好吗? 。。
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LZ,Can you show us pictures? 赞 111111111111111111111111