为主的祥助 发表于 2012-4-6 13:05:22

【CLEO 代码】San Andreas Memory Addresses

San Andreas 1.0


0xB794B4 = AK47 Stat

0x8D5104 = Blur Level

0xB7CE50 = Cash

0xB794A8 = Combat Shotgun Stat

0x8CB7A5 = Current radio station (id)

0xB700F0 = Current car ID (cars only. see vehicle.ide)

0xBAA420 = Current wanted level

0xA4EC20 = Dancing minigame score

0xB7014E = Day of the week

0xB79038 = Days passed in game 0xB7949C = Deagle Stat

0xB793D4 = Fat Stat

0xB7CEE6 = Fireproof

0xC1CC03 = Fly with mouse

0x96C009 = Free Pay 'n' Spray

0xB7CB49 = Freeze Game

0xB7CB64 = Game Speed

0xA444A4 = Gray radar

0x863984 = Gravity (0.008 default)

0xB793E0 = Health Stat

0xB791E4 = Horseshoes #

0xB7CEE4 = Infinite Run

0xA4A948 = Lowrider minigame score

0xB794B8 = M4 Stat

0xB794AC = Machine Pistol Stat

0x8CDEE4 = Maximum wanted level

0xB7015C = Milliseconds per second (default 1000)

0xB793DC = Muscle Stat

0xC402B8 = Night Vision (Toggle)

0xC402B9 = Thermal Vision (Toggle)

0xB70153 = Time (hour)

0xB70152 = Time (minute)

0xB79044 = Times Cheated Stat

0x8D2530 = Ped Density

0xB790B8 = Photographs taken

0xB79496 = Pistol Skill

0x8CB7A5 = Radio ID

0xB794A4 = Sawnoff Stat

0xB793E4 = Sex Appeal Stat

0xB794A0 = Shotgun Stat

0xB7CB49 = Show Menu

0xB79498 = Silenced Pistol Skill

0xB794B0 = SMG Stat

0xA9AD74 = Spray tags #

0x969110 = Start of keypress pool

0xB793D8 = Stamina Stat

0x8A5B20 = Vehicle density

0xB6F065 = Widescreen (black bars)

0xB7014E = Weekday


ShowTextBox = 0x588BE0

ShowTextBox: procedure(Text: PChar; Flag1, Infinite, Flag2: Byte); cdecl;

ShowTextBoxWithNumbers = 0x69DE90

ShowTextBoxWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar;number1,number2,number3, number4mnumber5,number6:LongWord;Offset:LongInt); cdecl;

ShowStyledText = 0x69F2B0

ShowStyledText: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;style:Word); cdecl;

ShowStyledTextWithNumbers = 0x69E5F0

ShowStyledTextWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;style:Word; number1,number2,number3,number4,number5,number6:LongWord); cdecl;

ShowTextLowPriority = 0x69F0B0

ShowTextLowPriority: procedure(Text: PChar;time:LongInt;Flag1:Word;Flag2:Byte); cdecl;

ShowTextLowPriorityWithNumbers = 0x69E360

ShowTextLowPriorityWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;unk:Word; number1,number2,number3,number4,number5,number6:LongWord;Flag:byte); cdecl;

ShowTextHighPriority = 0x69F1E0

ShowTextHighPriority: procedure(Text: PChar;time:LongInt;Flag1:Word;Flag2:Byte); cdecl;

ShowTextHighPriorityWithNumbers = 0x69E4E0

ShowTextHighPriorityWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;unk:Word; number1,number2,number3,number4,number5,number6:LongWord;Flag:byte); cdecl;
ShowTextBox = 0x588BE0

ShowTextBoxWithNumbers = 0x69DE90

ShowStyledText = 0x69F2B0

ShowStyledTextWithNumbers = 0x69E5F0

ShowTextLowPriority = 0x69F0B0

ShowTextLowPriorityWithNumbers = 0x69E360

ShowTextHighPriority = 0x69F1E0

ShowTextHighPriorityWithNumbers = 0x69E4E0
ShowTextBox: procedure(Text: PChar; Flag1, Infinite, Flag2: Byte); cdecl;

ShowStyledTextWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;style:Word;

number1,number2,number3,number4,number5,number6:LongWord); cdecl;

ShowTextLowPriorityWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;unk:Word;

number1,number2,number3,number4,number5,number6:LongWord;Flag:byte); cdecl;

ShowTextHighPriorityWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;unk:Word;

number1,number2,number3,number4,number5,number6:LongWord;Flag:byte); cdecl;

ShowTextBoxWithNumbers: procedure(Text: PChar;number1,number2,number3,

number4mnumber5,number6:LongWord;Offset:LongInt); cdecl;

ShowTextLowPriority: procedure(Text: PChar;time:LongInt;Flag1:Word;Flag2:Byte); cdecl;

ShowTextHighPriority: procedure(Text: PChar;time:LongInt;Flag1:Word;Flag2:Byte); cdecl;

ShowStyledText: procedure(Text: PChar; time:LongInt;style:Word); cdecl;u
Cursor Up/Down = 00BA682C

Cursor Up/Down 2 = 00BA6808

Cursor Left/Right = 00BA6828

Cursor Left/Right 2 = 00BA6804
0x583820 = CMarker::Create

0x5839A0 = CMarker::SetAboveEntity

0x583AB0 = CMarker::SetColour

0x583CC0 = CMarker::SetIconSize

0x583D70 = CMarker::SetIcon

0x583D20 = CMarker::SetType

0x583EB0 = CMarker::SetFriendOrThreat

0x583F00 = CMarker::SetEnterExit
.: Model Addresses :.

// Emergency Vehicle Models

// Use model ID's as defined in the vehicle.ide or peds.ide

0x8A5AB8 = LS(?) Ambulance

0x8A5ABC = SF(?) Ambulance

0x8A5AC0 = LV(?) Ambulance

0x8A5A8C = Police Rancher Model

0x8A5A90 = LS Cop Car Model

0x8A5A94 = SF Cop Car Model

0x8A5A98 = LV Cop Car Model0x8A5A9C = SA Cop Bike Model

0x8A5AD8 = LS(?) Fire Engine Model

0x8A5ADC = SF(?) Fire Engine Model

0x8A5AE0 = LV(?) Fire Engine Model

// Emergency Character Models

0x8A5AA0 = LVPD Sheriff

0x8A5AA4 = LSPD Cop

0x8A5AA8 = SFPD Cop

0x8A5AAC = LVPD Cop

0x8A5AB0 = SFPD Motorbike Cop

0x8A5AC8 = LS Ambulance Driver

0x8A5AD0 = SF Ambulance Driver

0x8A5ACC = LV Ambulance Driver

0x8A5AE8 = LS Fireman

0x8A5AEC = SF Fireman

0x8A5AF0 = LV Fireman

0x8A5AF4 = Taxi Driver

0x8A5AF8 = Taxi Driver 2

0x8A5AFC = Taxi Driver 3

0x8A5B00 = Taxi Driver 4

0x8A5B04 = Taxi Driver 5

0x8A5B08 = Taxi Driver 6
0x4C5AA0 = _isModelCar

0x4C5B60 = _isModelBike

0x4C5C20 = _isModelBMX

0x4C5A70 = _isModelBoat

0x407800 = _isModelExists (lol)

0x4C5B90 = _isModelFPlane

0x4C5B00 = _isModelHeli

0x4C5BC0 = _isModelMTruck

0x4C5B30 = _isModelPlane

0x4C5BF0 = _isModelQuad0x4C5AD0 = _isModelTrain

0x4C5C50 = _isModelTrailer
Start 0xA94D68
End 0xA95148
Size 0x7D <>
0x0Visible? (boolean)
0x2Handle ( 1)
0x8X Position
0xCY Position
0x10 Z Position
0x14 X Target
0x18 Y Target 0x1C Z Target
0x20 Target Radius
0x24 Base Radius
0x28 Path Coord 1 X
0x2C Path Coord 1 Y
0x30 Path Coord 1 Z
0x34 Path Coord 2 X
0x38 Path Coord 2 Y
0x3C Path Coord 2 Z
0x40 Path/Follow Speed
Target Spot is the spot the center of the light is touching, so is different to the Target Coords.
0x58 Target Spot X
0x5C Target Spot Y
0x60 Target Spot Z
0x64 Target Spot Distance from base?
0x68 Unknown
0x6C Unknown
0x70 Unknown
0x74 Unknown
0x78 Unknown
0x7B Unknown

祭祀秀忒 发表于 2012-4-6 13:12:53


无语。。A 发表于 2012-4-6 13:13:38


kami 发表于 2012-4-6 14:10:52


疯之子 发表于 2012-4-6 17:05:08


紫夕£夏夜 发表于 2012-4-6 18:55:37

太复杂了……   内存至今依然是我的噩梦……

E×plosio丶 发表于 2012-4-6 19:14:17


wliicai2334 发表于 2012-4-22 15:55:39


黑§崎一护 发表于 2012-5-22 18:40:04

疯之子 发表于 2012-4-6 17:05 static/image/common/back.gif


天亮丶说晚安 发表于 2013-9-20 20:09:10


762164561456 发表于 2013-10-27 20:16:02

看不懂啊 有木有~

liuhao 发表于 2013-10-30 13:16:04

762164561456 发表于 2013-10-27 20:16
看不懂啊 有木有~

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查看完整版本: 【CLEO 代码】San Andreas Memory Addresses